• EN
  • FR
  • AR
  • PT


Course Info

 Close-quarters battle (CQB), also called close-quarters combat (CQC), is a close combat situation between multiple combatants involving close ranged (typically firearm-based) combat.

Military uses of close-quarters battle vary by unit type, branch, and mission. Military operations may involve peacekeeping or riot control. Specialized forces may adapt CQB tactics to their own needs, such as marine naval boarding teams being trained specifically to search ships and fight CQB within them. Hostage rescue or extraction units may involve even more esoteric adaptations or variations, depending on environments, weapons technology, political considerations, or personnel.

Armies that often engage in urban warfare operations may train most of their infantry in basic CQB doctrine as it relates to common tasks such as building entry, clearing a room, and using different types of weapon and intelligence gathering methods.

Known as one of the most delicate and must be well-planned kind, this course aims to instruct the trainees for fighting in a close ranged urban areas or buildings by using the modern warfare tactic and technics.